Face to face workshop

In this module we unpack the art and science of motivation and influence.

Whether you lead a team or not, the ability to motivate and influence others is an important skill for work and life.

You might need to:

  • influence a group of stakeholders to get a project moving

  • generate buy-in from senior leaders to get the approvals that you need, or 

  • motivate your team (or your kids!) to change behaviours and improve performance.

Whatever the endeavour, this module will provide you with the practical frameworks, tips and tools you need to motivate and influence the great humans at Kestrel.

By completing this module you will be able to:

  • identify what you can and cannot control 

  • understand the different types of motivation and the three levers you can use to motivate your team, and

  • apply a model to improve your influencing skills.

Here’s some information sheets and activities ready to download, so you can start practising what you learn.