1/2 day

nurturing your potential

So, UNLEASHED Module 1 is done and dusted, hey?! Well done. 

We hope you got a lot out of it and you are seeing our Leadership Beliefs coming to life. Now, onto UNLEASHED Module 2: Nurturing Your Potential.

This module is another half day workshop, and you guessed it, it’s all about you.

A couple of weeks before the workshop you’ll receive an email asking you to complete a short online survey (or you’ll be given the survey in paper format, if you’re a Deputy).

It should only take you 15 minutes to complete, and at the end of it, you’ll get something called your DiSC report.

Everyone in UNLEASHED will get a DiSC report, so that we can learn more about: 

  • how we like to communicate,

  • our behavioural propensities,

  • where we like to focus our priorities and energy,

  • what stresses us out, and

  • what motivates us.

Then at the workshop we’ll unpack what our DiSC reports tell us about ourselves, and about each other.

Check out your roster or calendar to see when your face-to-face workshop for Module 2 has been booked in. And, don’t forget to print out your DiSC report and bring it with you on the day.

below you’ll find some tools and resources to support you after module 2.

Make sure you’ve completed your 1/2 day workshop before exploring the links below.

Mission #3

Mission #3 is all about completing your own personal Leadership Profiler. In Module 2 we’ll walk through the DiSC model and unpack what that means for you.

Click on the button below to find out more about the DiSC profiles.

Share your experience

After your workshop, don’t forget to share a photo or something you learnt about this experience on the #UNLEASHED Microsoft Teams channel.